Saturday, December 30, 2006

Career Advice

Apply now for the LAPD! Never are there enough police officers to patrol the good streets of Los Angeles, making sure the neighborhoods are safe. Oh, and don't forget the ludicrous amounts of money you can make on the side! All the denizens of the precinct are always willing to shell out a bit of "protection" money to keep their activities discreet. What cop couldn't use a little extra? Do you really want your kids to go to just some state school? Of course not! Only the best for the next generation. Sign up today! Hope you all have your high school diplomas, because that's all you'll need. Even better, they start paying you the day you enter the academy.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

65 Years Later...

Today is December 7th, 2006, the 65th anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. To this day, it remains the most devastating attack on American soil. Let us pause for a moment today to remember those who perished that day and during the ensuing war.